
Monday, February 17, 2014

Restore items that had last modified date of a particular day from a Netapp snapshot

We ran into a problem where we got hit by a cryptolocker on one of our cifs and that ended up encrypting a bunch of files. Now this particular cifs share had around 500GB of data. we managed to restore the share from a snapshot but the users had modified a large number of files just before the virus hit. So the dilemma was how to just restore the files that were changed on a particular day. 

Well, I love powershell for a reason. Some of the things to make sure are.
1. .snapshot directory should be visible on the netapp cifs share.
2. get the snapshot name of the day (or hour) you want to restore from. In this example, it is nightly.4

The command is

Get-ChildItem -path Y:\~snapshot\nightly.4\share \operations *.* -Recurse | where-object {$ -eq 5 -AND $_.LastWriteTime.Month -eq 9 -AND $_.lastwritetime.year -eq 2013} | copy-item -destination Y:\share \temp\restored

you can change the following to reflect the last modified date. 
1. $ to day of the month
2. $_.LastWriteTime.Month to the month of the year
3. $_.lastwritetime.year to the year

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