
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Script to monitor Exchange 2010 queue and send email alerts if threshold is reached

This is a script that can be scheduled as a scheduled task and run every few minutes on a server and exchange management tools installed. This script monitors the exchange queues on your CAS servers and send email alerts (make sure you specify an external email address as well) if the queue threshold that you specify is reached. 

# Script:    Exch2010QueueMonitor.ps1 
# Purpose:  This script can be set as a scheduled task to run every 30minutes and will monitor all exchange 
#2010 queue's. If a threshold of 30 is met an  
#            output file with the queue details will be e-mailed to all intended admins listed in the e-mail settings 

# Comments: Lines 27, 31-35 should be populated with your own e-mail settings 
# Notes:     
#            - tested with Exchange 2010 SP1 - SP3
#            - The log report output file will be created under "C:\Support\Scripts\queue.txt" 

$snapins = Get-PSSnapin
$snapins | foreach-Object {

if ($ -match "Exchange")
$exchloaded = $TRUE
if ($exchloaded -eq $TRUE)
if ($showgui)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Exchange 2010 Snapin already loaded."
Add-PSSnapin *Exchange*
if ( $showgui ) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Exchange 2010 Snapin had to be loaded." }

$filename = “C:\Support\Scripts\queue.txt” 
Start-Sleep -s 10 
if (Get-ExchangeServer | Where { $_.isHubTransportServer -eq $true } | get-queue | Where-Object { $_.MessageCount -gt 30 }) 

Get-ExchangeServer | Where { $_.isHubTransportServer -eq $true } | get-queue | Where-Object { $_.MessageCount -gt 30 } | Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize | out-file -filepath C:\Support\Scripts\queue.txt 
Start-Sleep -s 10 

$smtpServer = “”   #your smtp server
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($filename) 
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer) 
$msg.From = “” #send as address
$msg.To.Add("")  #change this address for admin address
$msg.To.Add("") # add external email address like gmail etc
$msg.Body = “Please see attached queue log file for queue information” 


Citrix Xenapp 6 - Published Desktop disconnects when published application is launched from within a published desktop

When you attempt to launch a published application from within a published desktop session, the published desktop session will disconnect. This is because Citrix receiver by default tries to reconnect to all your open sessions on launch. So when you attempt to start the published application, it disconnects the session of the published desktop. You can modify this behavior by changing the following registry key.


Change this key on your published desktop. Once this is modified, relaunch the published application and your desktop session should remain intact. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

SOLVED - Citrix Xenapp 6.0 hotfix rollup fails to install - Error 1904 Module C:\program files (x86)\citrix\system32\rpm.dll failed to register

When you try to install hotfix rollup on a Citrix Xenapp 6.0, you receive the following error.

To resolve this, leave this window open. And browse to C:\windows\system32\ and rename the file cutildll64.dll to cutildll64.dll.old. Now hit retry and the hotfix should install successfully. after the install completes, reboot the server and then copy the new file from C:\program files (x86)\citrix\system32\cutildll64.dll to C:\windows\system32\. 

Restore items that had last modified date of a particular day from a Netapp snapshot

We ran into a problem where we got hit by a cryptolocker on one of our cifs and that ended up encrypting a bunch of files. Now this particular cifs share had around 500GB of data. we managed to restore the share from a snapshot but the users had modified a large number of files just before the virus hit. So the dilemma was how to just restore the files that were changed on a particular day. 

Well, I love powershell for a reason. Some of the things to make sure are.
1. .snapshot directory should be visible on the netapp cifs share.
2. get the snapshot name of the day (or hour) you want to restore from. In this example, it is nightly.4

The command is

Get-ChildItem -path Y:\~snapshot\nightly.4\share \operations *.* -Recurse | where-object {$ -eq 5 -AND $_.LastWriteTime.Month -eq 9 -AND $_.lastwritetime.year -eq 2013} | copy-item -destination Y:\share \temp\restored

you can change the following to reflect the last modified date. 
1. $ to day of the month
2. $_.LastWriteTime.Month to the month of the year
3. $_.lastwritetime.year to the year

Monday, February 3, 2014

How to resolve Citrix desktop delivery service console discovery process errors

The discovery process might fail with the following error
“Errors occurred when using servername in the discovery process”

- If the local computer is member of the farm, start the discovery process again and add local computer to the list of the servers and run the discovery again.

- If the discovery still fails, check if the server(the datacollector) is up. And MFCOM service and IMAservice is running on the server and also on local computer.

- If MFCOM service is not running, the server will need to be rebooted

- Run the command qfarm /load to check if the local server, and the servers are in the list. If they are not, run the following command on the server that is not in the list
Net stop imaservice
Net start imaservice
Rerun discovery

- If the process still fails, check if the licensing serveris up and does not have any errors in the eventlog related to citrix

- Also check if datastore (SQl server) is up and instance that the datastore is residing on is running on it.
Once we are sure that the datastore is up, open command prompt on any of the XenApp servers and run the following command. (make sure the command prompt is run as administrator)
See if any inconsistencies show up. If there are inconsistencies, run the following command to clear the inconsistencies
Dscheck /clean

Run the discovery again. This should fix the problem