
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How to disable the save password option on the Citrix Reciever from Citrix Storefront 2.0

When the users logged in using receiver for windows directly instead of using receiver for web (receiver for web is the webpage we access using the browser – the typical way we log on) it allowed you to save passwords and so next time you open it, you are already logged on to receiver. Bit too much of a security concern for us. The solution from citrix is to change a registry on the client computers which doesn’t quite work for us We wanted to do it at the infrastructure level and not at the client level. Although Citrix storefront did not provide this functionality out of the box, there is a workaround.

The following changes were made to the storefront servers to have the disable save password configured.

You can disable the ability to save passwords at the StoreFront level with the below instructions.

1.       Locate the Authentication service directory on disk under the IIS root folder.

e.g. “C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\Authentication”

2.       Open the file “\Views\ExplicitForms\Authenticate.aspx” in a text editor.

3.       Comment the following line

<% Html.RenderPartial(“SaveCredentialsRequirement”, SaveCredentials); %>

By replacing it with

<%-- Html.RenderPartial(“SaveCredentialsRequirement”, SaveCredentials); --%>

4.       Save the file.

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